Catégorie : Focus

Yama – Satya

Satya is the second Yama (observance) cited by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras. We saw in the first article of this series that Ahimsa – non-violence and compassion – is the foundation, the basis andContinue reading

Yama – Ahimsa

Ahimsa the first and most important yama because all the others follow from it. It is also the most difficult to practice comprehensively. Manu specifies in his laws that it is the highest means ofContinue reading

Daily Yoga – Morning Routine

Ayurveda recommends a daily ritual or dinacharya to strengthen our immunity and increase our vital energy. The morning routine is especially important because it conditions the rest of the day. There are of course variationsContinue reading

Daily Yoga

Beyond techniques and philosophy, Yoga is above all an art of living, the fusion of knowledge and practice. It is a path of holistic self-knowledge, combining physical, energetic, psycho-emotional and spiritual aspects. Yoga allows usContinue reading

Yama and Niyama

The first member (anga) of Ashtanga Yoga as described by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras, Yama , literally means observance, refraining, duty. This is the base, with Niyama (disciplines and restrictions) on which the restContinue reading

Svara Yoga

As we saw in our Pranayama series, breath is the link between body and spirit. The word spirit itself comes from the Latin spiritus which means breath. We have also seen that breath is notContinue reading

Preparation for Pranayama

Before diving into the different techniques of Pranayama, it is important to review the physical aspects of breathing and the subtle aspects of Prana. It is necessary to cover the essential preparatory aspects before movingContinue reading


Pranayama is a central discipline of Patanjali’s Raja Yoga (Asthanga) and of Hatha Yoga. It occupies a pivotal position between basic practices (like behavior deconditioning, purification and poses) and more spiritual practices. Pranayama is aContinue reading

Focus sur Paschimottanasana

En sanskrit, Paschima veut dire « Ouest » et Uttana « étirement intense », il s’agit donc du grand étirement de l’Ouest. Paschimottanasana est ainsi un étirement intense non seulement du dos mais de tout l’arrière du corps.

Focus sur Gomukhasana

En sanskrit Gomukha signifie tête ou visage de vache. La posture Gomukhasana est ainsi nommée en raison de sa ressemblance avec une tête vache : les pieds forment les cornes et les genoux le museau.